K Hub

The Knowledge Repository for Teams & Individuals.


A low-cost cloud-based knowledge repository with privacy protection based on special design using open-source technology.  It features:

Features Details
Menu System
  • A Normal Menu System
  • A Taxonomy-to-Menu System (TaxoMenu)
Slide-out Panel
  • Available only when needed - maximize visible space when not needed
  • Scenario-based TaxoMenu
  • Reach target within 3 clicks
Content Types
  • Tools (private) & showcase (public) pages with scenario-based TaxoMenu
  • Photo albums
  • Conventional basic web pages & articles
  • More content types can be easily added by customization
Classification & search
  • Generic tagging
  • Easily customizable classifications
  • Controlled or free-to-add classification types
  • Multiple classifications for each type of content
  • Hierarchical classification structure available
  • Public & private visibility, with user-selectable option
  • Undisclosed areas - author-only visibility
  • Role-based accessibility & visibility for team settings
Design Philosophy
  • Visual spacing - maximum visible screen for works
  • Popup - for focus
  • Search and Focus - 2 states of work.  Once target information is located, no need further jumping around
  • Special system built to fit the needs of knowledge repository or knowledge base setup
Hosting Platform
  • Shared hosting - low-cost platform suitable for beginners of individuals, can be trained to self-manage the platform
  • Cloud-based VPS - cloud-based low-cost platform suitable for committed users or teams, require system maintenance & support
  • In-house hosting - built on in-house servers with in-house or external IT team support
  • Personal computers - for privacy and personal ownership
  • The Khub system is designed based on:
    • World-famous enterprise-level stable open-source content management system
    • Well established web technology
    • Integration with other web-based technology & resources available
  • Much shorter system building cycle
    • Typically 15% - 20% of the time compared with traditional system building, hence cost reduction
    • A lot of readily available modules for feature enhancements
  • Upgradability and scalability
    • Continuous free upgrades available as in open-source technology
  • Built on BYOS methodology
    • Build-as-you-GO (BayGO) approach - a design thinking process
    • Focus in business needs and user experience, and what make-sense
    • A skills that can be learned by non-technical people without IT background
    • Flexible modifications and customizable